Prophylaxis has been practiced for many years in Europe and is gaining
acceptance worldwide with current viral inactivation procedures. Unfo
rtunately, the high cost of praphylaxis is currently the major obstacl
e to its implementation in developing countries such as Turkey. The ai
m of this controlled preliminary study is to evaluate the efficacy, sa
fety, and feasibility of prophylaxis. Seven boys aged 1.5-7 years (5.0
+/- 1.8) who had severe hemophilia (six A, one B) received 20-50 IU/k
g factor twice weekly and were followed up for 6-24 months (14.5 +/- 6
.6). Intermediate concentrates have been used in hemophilia A and ultr
apure product for hemophilia B. The data obtained for the same group o
f patients before prophylaxis were used as a control group. Another co
ntrol group was selected in another group of IO hemophiliacs, mean age
12.5, and received treatment on demand. During prophylactic treatment
, the episodes of bleeding were decreased (from 10.5 +/- 3.2 to 4.5 +/
- 3.6). Orthopedic and radiologic joint scores were stable (from 0 to
I and from 1.1 +/- 1.2 to 1.0 +/- 1.5). The patients spent significant
ly fewer days in the hospital (from 18 +/- 12 to 0.7 +/- 0.6). None of
the patients was infected with hepatitis A, hepatitis B, or human imm
unodeficiency virus. One patient was seroconverted with anti-hepatitis
C virus in the third month of prophylaxis. Mean consumption of concen
trates for prophylaxis was 3489 +/- 960 IU/kg per year compared with 2
073 +/- 1302 in conventional therapy. Prophylaxis was superior to trea
tment on demand even when given in a twice-weekly period with intermed
iate concentrates. In Third World countries, prophylaxis should be tri
ed at least in selected severely hemophilic children in order to preve
nt disabilities.