Detonation waves in oats dust clouds in methane-air mixtures were inve
stigated experimentally. Tests were carried out in a vertical tube 4.5
m long with an 8 cm internal diameter. The hybrid mixture was ignited
by a shock wave generated by means of the detonation of an oxygen-hydr
ogen stoichiometric mixture in the driver section. Flame propagation w
as recorded with the use of a streak camera and pressure profiles were
measured at selected tube positions. It was found that hybrid detonat
ions are possible in oats dust clouds in methane-air ixtures for a ran
ge of methane concentrations from 8.5% to 14.5%, with oats dust concen
trations not greater than 0.1 kg/m(3). Moderate concentrations of oats
dust were found to promote transition to detonation, but this depends
on the composition of the gaseous mixture; higher concentrations act
as a suppressant.