We describe a new method of distinguishing between ordered and chaotic
orbits, which is much faster than the methods used up to now, namely
(1) the distribution of the Poincare consequents, (2) the Lyapunov cha
racteristic number and (3) the distribution of the rotation angles. Th
is method is based on the distribution of the helicity angles (the ang
les of small deviations xi from a given orbit with a fixed direction),
or of the twist angles (the differences of successive helicity angles
), and the stretching numbers (the logarithms of the ratios of success
ive deviations \xi\, also called 'short time Lyapunov characteristic n
umbers'). We apply this method to 2-D mappings and 4-D mappings, repre
senting Hamiltonian systems of 2 and 3 degrees of freedom respectively