The effect of burial due to sudden sediment loading was examined in a
mixed Philippine seagrass meadow through the experimental deployment o
f sediment (0, 2, 4, 8, and 16 cm deposited over the experimental plot
s). The responses in shoot density, vertical growth, and branching of
the species present were assessed 2, 4, and 10 mo following disturbanc
e. Shoot density responses were strongly species-specific. The large E
nhalus acoroides maintained shoot density at all burial treatments, an
d only showed evidence of decline by the end of the experiment. Thalas
sia hemprichii and, to a lesser extent, Cymodocea rotundata showed a s
harp decline in shoot density even at moderate burial treatments, from
which they failed to recover. The accompanying species (Halodule unin
ervis, Syringodium isoetifolium, and Cymodocea serrulata) showed an in
itial decline in shoot density followed by recovery. The small Halophi
la ovalis showed an opportunistic growth in plots receiving intermedia
te (buried by 4 and 8 cm sediment) disturbance, reaching shoot densiti
es well in excess of those on control plots. The results suggest a pat
tern of species loss following disturbance by sediment burial correspo
nding to the sequence, T. hemprichii --> (C. rotundata, S. isoetifoliu
m, H. uninervis) --> C. serrulata --> E. acoroides. Vertical growth in
creased significantly for all species with differentiated vertical sho
ots, except C. serrulata. The examination of the time course of vertic
al growth imprinted on the shoots of the dominant species, T. hemprich
ii, revealed a rapid response to burial through increased internodal l
ength, which was maintained over 8 mo following the disturbance. The r
esulting cumulative vertical growth along the experiment was Linearly
correlated with the degree of burial imposed on the plants. Branching
of vertical shoots also increased significantly (73 to 96%, depending
on the species) with burial. Experimental burial induced changes in sh
oot age distribution of some of the species, involving rearrangements,
through selective mortality or recruitment, of the contribution of yo
ung shoots to the populations. The results obtained show major differe
nces in species response to small-scale disturbance, closely linked to
predictions derived from consideration of species growth rate and siz
e, and provide evidence of the importance of small-scale disturbance i
n the maintenance of multispecific seagrass meadows.