In 1884, G. Koenigs solved Schroeder's functional equation f o phi = l
ambda f in the following context: phi is a given holomorphic function
mapping the open unit disk U into itself and fixing a point a is an el
ement of U, f is holomorphic on U, and lambda is a complex scalar. Koe
nigs showed that if 0 < \phi'(a)\ < 1, then Schroeder's equation for p
hi has a unique holomorphic solution a satisfying sigma o phi = phi'(a
)sigma and sigma'(0) = 1; moreover, he showed that the only other solu
tions are the obvious ones given by constant multiples of powers of si
gma. We call the Koenigs eigenfunction of phi. Motivated by fundamenta
l issues in operator theory and function theory, we seek to understand
the growth of integral means of Koenigs eigenfunctions. For 0 < p < i
nfinity, we prove a sufficient condition for the Koenigs eigenfunction
of phi to belong to the Hardy space H-p and show that the condition i
s necessary when phi is analytic on the closed disk. For many mappings
phi the condition may be expressed as a relationship between phi'(a)
and derivatives of phi at points on partial derivative U that are fixe
d by some iterate of phi. Our work depends upon a formula we establish
for the essential spectral radius of any composition operator on the
Hardy space H-p.