Competence, determination and root meristemoid organization are key st
eps in adventitious rooting. A direct and indirect pattern of root for
mation may be present in both herbaceous and woody systems. The patter
n is indirect when competence is achieved during the culture; it is di
rect when competent cells are present in the tissues at explanting tim
e. Both processes may be activated in the same (herbaceous or woody) e
xplant, and by the same tissue. A coordinated reactivation to division
of cell types not directly involved in the rooting process may occur
in the woody cuttings. In general, determination occurs before meriste
moid formation; however, the ab initio root identity of the meristemoi
d has been debated. Examples of herbaceous and woody systems showing o
ne or both rooting patterns are described. Studies on mutations affect
ing the specification of root meristem and on genes involved in cell c
ycle regulation could contribute to understanding adventitious rooting