Tay Sachs disease is an autosomal recessive disorder affecting the cen
tral nervous system. The disorder results from mutations in the gene e
ncoding the alpha-subunit of beta-hexosaminidase A, a lysosomal enzyme
composed of alpha and beta polypeptides. Seventy eight mutations in t
he Hex A gene have been described and include 65 single base substitut
ions, one large and 10 small deletions, and two small insertions. Beca
use these mutations cripple the catalytic activity of beta-hexosaminid
ase to varying degrees, Tay Sachs disease displays clinical heterogene
ity. Forty-five of the single base substitutions cause missense mutati
ons; 39 of these are disease causing, three are benign but cause a cha
nge in phenotype, and three are neutral polymorphisms. Six nonsense mu
tations and 14 splice site lesions result from single base substitutio
ns, and all but one of the splice site lesions cause a severe form of
Tay Sachs disease. Eight frameshift mutations arise from six deletion-
and two insertion-type lesions. One of these insertions, consisting o
f four bases within exon 11, is found in 80% of the carriers of Tay Sa
chs disease from the Ashkenazi Jewish population, an ethnic group that
has a 10-fold higher gene frequency for a severe form of the disorder
than the general population. A very large deletion, 7.5 kilobases, in
cluding all of exon 1 and portions of DNA upstream and downstream from
that exon, is the major mutation found in Tay-Sachs disease carriers
from the French Canadian population, a geographic isolate displaying a
n elevated carrier frequency. Most of the other mutations are confined
to single pedigrees. Identification of these mutations has permitted
more accurate carrier information, prenatal diagnosis, and disease pro
gnosis, In conjunction with a precise tertiary structure of the enzyme
, these mutations could be used to gain insight into the structure-fun
ction relationships of the lysosomal enzyme. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.