Hirschsprung disease, or congenital aganglionic megacolon, is a geneti
c disorder of neural crest development affecting 1:5,000 newborns, Mut
ations in the RET proto oncogene, repeatedly identified in the heteroz
ygous state in both long and short-segment Hirschsprung patients, lead
to loss of both transforming and differentiating capacities of the ac
tivated RET through a dominant negative effect when expressed in appro
priate cellular systems, The approach of single strand conformational
polymorphism analysis established for all the 20 exons of the RET prot
o oncogene, and previously used to screen for point mutations in Hirsc
hsprung patients allowed us to identify seven additional mutations amo
ng 39 sporadic and familial cases of Hirschsprung disease (detection r
ate 18%), This relatively low efficiency in detecting mutations of RET
in Hirschsprung patients cannot be accounted by the hypothesis of gen
etic heterogeneity, which is not supported by the results of linkage a
nalysis in the pedigrees analyzed so far, Almost 74% of the point muta
tions in our series, as well as in other patient series, were identifi
ed among long segment patients, who represented only 25% of our patien
t population, The finding of a C620R substitution in a patient affecte
d with total colonic aganglionosis confirms the involvement of this mu
tation in the pathogenesis of different phenotypes (i,e,, medullary th
yroid carcinoma and Hirschsprung), Finally the R313Q mutation identifi
ed for the first time in homozygosity in a child born of consanguineou
s parents is associated with the most severe Hirsch sprung phenotype (
total colonic aganglionosis with small bowel involvement). (C) 1997 Wi
ley-Liss, Inc.