Isozyme inheritance and variation in Actinidia was investigated using
23 enzyme systems. Ten isozyme loci from six enzyme systems, Acp-2, Es
t, Prx-1, Prx-2, Prx-3, Prx-4, Prx-5, Pgi-2, Pgm-2 and Tpi, were found
to be inherited as single Mendelian genes in families of two interspe
cific crosses. Disomic inheritance detected at 10 loci in progenies of
a cross between the hexaploid A. deliciosa and the diploid A. chinens
is (Jingkui x Moshan no. 4) provided convincing evidence that A. delic
iosa is an allohexaploid. Allelic segregation for tetrasomic inheritan
ce at the 10 isozyme loci was demonstrated in the progenies of a cross
between the tetraploid A. chinensis and the diploid A. eriantha, a re
sult suggesting autoploid origin of the tetraploid A. chinensis, which
apparently originated from its diploid ancestor A. chinensis. A high
level of isozyme variation and heterozygosity was observed in the 22 c
ultivars and 56 plants from 28 Actinidin taxa. Allozyme phenotype can
be used effectively for cultivar identification. The application of is
ozyme markers in the study of phylogeny could still be difficult in po
lyploids of natural populations in which estimations of gene frequenci
es are a prerequisite.