Introduction : Kallmann syndrome is a disease clinically characterized
by the association of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and anosmia or h
yposmia. Most cases have been recorded among men. It is a genetic diso
rder with a specific gene location on the X chromosome. The cells that
normaly express luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone or LHRH fail to
migrate the olfactory placode to the forebrain. The lateral projectio
ns of the olfactory placode also fail to induce development of the olf
actory bulbs and tracts. Material and methods : The aim of this study
was to compare the MRI appearence of the olfactory sulci, the olfactor
y bulbs and frontal lobe between groups. The first reference group was
composed of 20 subjects and the second group of 18 patients suffering
from Kallmann syndrome. For all studies we used a 1,5 T magnet system
(Signa GE). We performed two sagittal and coronal T1-weighted sequenc
es in spin echo (TR = 600 ms, TE = 12 ms) with interleaved 3 mm slices
and a 14 cm field of view. Results : In the first group, the two olfa
ctory bulbs were always seen on coronal slices just behind the crista
galli measuring 2 to 3,2 mm transversally. On sagittal slices, in 60 %
of the cases two bulbs were seen (3 mm laterally of the pituitary sta
lk) and in the other 40 % only one bulb was seen. The length of the bu
lb has been measured between 6 and 11 mm. We noticed a plat frontal lo
be in 85 % of the cases. In the second group the olfactory bulbs were
never visible among the 18 patients suffering from Kallmann syndrome.
The hypoplasic sulci were hardly visible and their size was less or eq
ual to 1 cm and the frontal lobe was triangular in 80 % of the cases.
One patient had hypoplasia of corpus callosum. Conclusion : MRI is hel
pful tool to demonstrate abnormalities of the olfactory system which a
re always present among patients suffering from Kallmann syndrome. MRI
can also show, at the same time, a possible associated brain abnormal