The Upper Riphean biostratigraphic characteristic of the Timan was sup
plemented with the new data provided by the drilling of a number of we
lls in the Tsil'menskii Kamen' region. Its western sections include ab
undant stromatolite beds extending up to the south of northern Timan a
nd displaying the complete succession of horizons, from the Yurezan' t
o Suleimanovo one, distinguished in the southern Ural stratotype of th
e Karatavian. The Sim Horizon with characteristic stromatolite beds yi
elding Conophyton garganicus var. ikeni Raab. et Komar and Baicalia ex
gr. prima Semikh., was recorded for the first time outside the southe
rn Urals. In the local stratigraphic scheme it corresponds to most of
the lower part of the Pav''yug Formation. The upper part of this forma
tion is characterized by the rich stromatolite assemblage of the Sulei
manovo Horizon and boundary sediments of the Minka Horizon. Stromatoli
te-bearing carbonate sequences are partly substituted by shaly sedimen
ts in southeastern sections of the Tsil'menskii Kamen' region.