Inotropic agents improve the hemodynamic parameters and lessen the sym
ptoms of patients with severe congestive heart failure (CHF), but ther
e is no evidence that they decrease CHF-related mortality. Digoxin is
the safest and most efficacious of these agents and usually is the fir
st one employed in severe CHF, although in moderate doses only, Short-
term, intermittent infusions of dobutamine or milrinone are indicated
in cases refractory to digoxin. Low doses of dopamine, particularly as
combination therapy, offer benefits in some cases of severe CHF. The
potential role in CHF for such inotropes as norepinephrine, epinephrin
e, isoproterenol, and amrinone is less clear, Novel approaches, such a
s use of the oral phosphodiesterase inhibitors vesnarinone and pimoben
dan or the thyroid hormone levothyroxine, offer promise but remain in
investigational stages.