Ventilation is lower during sleep than wakefulness. An increase in air
way resistance has been proposed as the critical factor. As the change
in ventilation has been shown to occur abruptly at transitions betwee
n alpha and theta electroencephalogram activity, it was of interest to
determine whether the increase in airway resistance between wakefulne
ss and sleep also occurs at these transitions. Three young healthy mal
e subjects were run for an average of 15 sleep onsets in each of three
conditions. The three conditions were 1) an esophageal balloon was pu
t in place to allow the measurement of airway resistance, 2) in additi
on to an esophageal balloon the nose was occluded, and 3) there was no
esophageal balloon and the nose was not occluded. Ventilation and air
way resistance were measured during sleep onset and analyzed as a func
tion of arousal state. In those conditions of the experiment in which
airway resistance was affected by state, the changes, like those in ve
ntilation, occurred at transitions between alpha and theta electroence
phalogram activity. However, in the three subjects studied, the magnit
ude of ventilatory changes at alpha-theta transitions and the extent t
o which changes in ventilation were associated with changes in airway
resistance differed between subjects. It was concluded that although i
nspiratory airway resistance is a major component affecting the state-
related changes in ventilation at sleep onset, the degree of its contr
ibution may vary over individuals.