The contribution of prefrontal and posterior association cortex to vol
untary and involuntary visual attention was assessed using electrophys
iological techniques in patients with focal lesions in prefrontal (n =
11), temporal-parietal (n = 10), or lateral parietal cortex (n = 7).
Subjects participated in a task requiring detection of designated targ
et stimuli embedded in trains of repetitive stimuli. Infrequent and ir
relevant novel visual stimuli were randomly interspersed with the targ
et and background stimuli. Controls generated attention dependent N1 (
170 msec) and N2 (243 msec) potentials maximal over extrastriate corte
x. Anterior and posterior association cortex lesions reduced the ampli
tude of both the N1 and N2 potentials recorded over extrastriate corte
x of the lesioned hemisphere. The pattern of results obtained reveals
that an intrahemispheric network involving prefrontal and posterior as
sociation cortex modulates early visual processing in extrastriate reg
ions. Voluntary target detection generated a parietal maximal P300 res
ponse (P3b) and irrelevant novel stimuli generated a more fronto-centr
ally distributed P300 (P3a). Cortical lesions had differential effects
on P3a and P3b potentials. The P3b was not significantly reduced in a
ny cortical lesioned group. Conversely, the P3a was reduced by both pr
efrontal and posterior lesions with decrements most severe throughout
the lesioned hemisphere. These data provide evidence that an associati
on cortex network involving prefrontal and posterior regions is activa
ted during orientation to novel events. The lack of a significant effe
ct on the visual target P3b in patients with novelty P3a reductions su
pports the notion that different neural systems are engaged during vol
untary vs involuntary attention to visual stimuli.