Superposed ATM cell streams have burstiness and strong autocorrelation
properties. This paper investigates traffic measurement-based modelin
g method for superposed ATM cell streams. We develop a new measurement
method based on monitoring both the waiting time distribution in a mo
nitoring queue and the autocorrelation of cell interarrival times. Thr
ough the monitoring queue, we directly observe the queueing effect of
superposed cell flows on ATM multiplexers. The measured traffic is mod
eled as the two-state MMPP. With the measured traffic, we estimate the
cell loss probability in ATM multiplexers from the MMPP/D/1/K queue.
Our method successfully works with homogeneous and heterogeneous super
position of traffic sources including voice, data, and video. These re
sults can be applied to the evaluation of ATM multiplexers, traffic en
gineering, and network performance monitoring.