A criterion, based on optimization principles, for determining the SAT
setpoint in VAV systems is presented. It is generally accepted that c
onventional SAT reset controls (SATRC), bounded by either space humidi
ty or ductwork size, will save cooling and/or heating energy. However,
the ventilation consequences and penalty resulting from increased fan
power have generally been overlooked. Ventilation is impacted since c
hanges in the SAT setpoint change the primary airflow rate and the ope
ration of economizer cycles, i.e. the distribution of fresh outdoor ai
r (OA). These changes may result in extra energy demand and ventilatio
n inefficiency if the reset criterion is not appropriate. This optimiz
ation concept simultaneously reduces energy consumption and meets vent
ilation requirements. Simulation results illustrate that the use of th
e optimized SATRC saves more energy than a conventional one. (C) 1997
Elsevier Science Ltd.