This paper will concentrate on how ISA-S88.01-1995 has impacted the de
sign and implementation of actual batch process control projects execu
ted for various end users/customers over the last few years. Specifica
lly, the paper will examine how guidelines were developed that conform
to the models and terminology in the standard, and how these guidelin
es have impacted the following: Project implementation quality. Projec
t implementation cost. Project implementation schedule. Continuous imp
rovement efforts. Impact/relationship to MES implementation efforts. T
he paper will examine the above points and attempt to both quantitativ
ely and qualitatively examine the impact on actual projects. At least
five projects will be included. Design improvements that have occurred
from one project to the next will be reviewed. The ability to more ef
fectively and more quickly implement a quality solution by capitalizin
g on past work and standards development will be discussed. Actual pro
ject implementation records will be used to quantify potential cost an
d schedule gains. The relationship between established standards and t
he ability to continuously improve the application development using e
xisting implementations and experiences as a baseline will be describe
d. Finally, the relationship between batch control standards and how s
uch implementations can complement MES applications will be discussed.
(C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.