Much individual-level resenl ch in criminology is based on determinist
ic models of street-crime and suite-crime. Factors that constrain indi
viduals to crime or conformity are predominant. This paper explores th
e advantages of a more soft determinism in explaining crime; especiall
y intimate violence. Routine activities theory, which assumes freedom
of action and rational choice, is used here to analyze patterns of int
imate violence, especially, child sexual abuse. Marcus Felson's model
of predatory crime provides a unique interpretation of intimate violen
ce. Criminal incidents involve the physical convergence of three eleme
nts: a motivated offender; a suitable target; and the absence of a cap
able guardian. The convergence of these factors in intimate violence i
s analyzed; the potential of routine activity theory in explaining dom
estic abuse is assessed. Finally suggestions for crime control in inti
mate violence based on routine activities theory are presented. (C) 19
97 Elsevier Science Ltd.