In order to evaluate the role of underlying disease in the high mortal
ity observed in acute renal failure (ARF) and risk factors related to
the development of oliguric ARF in renal allograft recipients, two gro
ups were selected: 34 patients with native kidneys, aged 16 and 57 yea
rs, and presenting ischemic ARF caused by cardiovascular collapse, wit
h no signs of infection at the time of diagnosis; and 34 renal allogra
ft recipients who developed ARF immediately after transplantation, wit
hout rejection. ARF was defined either as 30% increase of basal plasma
tic creatinine in patients with native kidneys or non-normalization of
plasmatic creatinine at day 5 after transplantation in renal allograf
t recipients; oliguria as diuresis less than or equal to 400 mL/24 h.
There were no differences in age, male frequency, oliguria presence an
d duration, need for dialysis, and infection episodes for renal allogr
aft recipients and patients with native kidneys. The development of se
psis (3% and 41%) and death rate (3% and 44%) were higher in patients
with native kidneys (p < 0.01). The renal allograft recipients with bo
th oliguric (n = 18) and nonoliguric (n = 16) ARF were evaluated and n
o difference was observed in the recipient's age, donor's age, cold is
chemia time, rime elapsed until plasmatic creatinine normalization, do
nor's plasmatic creatinine or urea, and mean arterial pressure. No dif
ferences were observed between the groups regarding frequency of infec
tion episodes during ARF and frequency of death. In conclusion, renal
allograft recipients presented a fewer death rate and were less suscep
tible to sepsis. Cold ischemia time, age, and hemodynamic characterist
ics of the donor did not affect the development of oliguria.