When a seismic common midpoint (CMP) stack or zero-offset (ZO) section
is depth or time migrated with different (constant) migration velocit
ies, different reflector images of the subsurface are obtained. If the
migration velocity is changed continuously, the (kinematically) migra
ted image of a single point on the reflector, constructed for one part
icular seismic ZO reflection signal, moves along a circle at depth, wh
ich we call the Thales circle. It degenerates to a vertical line for a
nondipping event. For all other dips, the dislocation as a function o
f migration velocity depends on the reflector dip. In particular for r
eflectors with dips larger than 45 degrees, the reflection point moves
upward for increasing velocity. The corresponding curves in a time-mi
grated section are parabolas. These formulas will provide the seismic
interpreter with a better understanding of where a reflector image mig
ht move when the velocity model is changed. Moreover, in that case, th
e reflector image as a whole behaves to some extent like an ensemble o
f body waves, which we therefore call remigration image waves. In the
same way as physical waves propagate as a function of time, these imag
e waves propagate as a function of migration velocity. Different migra
ted images can thus be considered as snapshots of image waves at diffe
rent instants of migration velocity. By some simple planewave consider
ations, image-wave equations can be derived that describe the propagat
ion of image waves as a function of the migration velocity. The Thales
circles and parabolas then turn out to be the characteristics or ray
trajectories for these image-wave equations.