We have measured cross sections and analyzing powers for pi+ and pi- e
lastic scattering from a polarized He-3 target at T(pi) = 100 MeV. Mea
surements have been made over an angular range of 60-degrees to 110-de
grees which extends over the region of the cross section minimum where
spin effects in pi-nucleus scattering are predicted to be largest. Th
is is evident from the large value of A(y) observed in pi+ scattering
from He-3 near theta(lab = 80-degrees). The A(y) data for both pi+ and
pi- scattering are qualitatively reproduced by a schematic PWIA model
; however, agreement with the data is significantly improved when a fu
ll nonlocal DWIA reaction model employing realistic three-body wave fu
nctions is used. The asymmetry in pi--He-3 scattering resembles the as
ymmetry for pi- scattering from a free neutron near the cross section
minimum and is about half that for pi+ scattering.