Interaction of herbivory by wintering lesser snow geese (Anser caerule
scens caerulescens), environmental conditions, and burning were invest
igated in a mid-Texas coastal marsh dominated by Scirpus americanus (O
lney bulrush). Goose grubbing and use of S. americanus rhizomes and ro
ots initially produced a patchwork of denuded and vegetated areas on a
recently burned area. Regrowth occurred by reestablishment of uproote
d shoot complexes; regeneration from seed was not observed. Regrowth w
as dependent on intensity of use and post-herbivory environmental cond
itions. After three years of varying levels of goose use and environme
ntal conditions, lowest foliar cover and standing crop occurred in are
as with a high frequency and intensity of goose use followed by spring
drought and high salinities. Greatest growth was associated with low
frequency and intensity of use followed by normal spring freshwater in
flows and low salinities. Burning did not significantly affect the res
ponse of S. americanus. Continued frequent and intense snow goose use,
coupled with high salinity and extended periods with water levels bel
ow the marsh surface, can produce denuded mudflats subject to accelera
ted soil erosion. Management strategies to reduce the impact of these
combined events could be implemented. Hydroperiod and salinity conditi
ons should be routinely monitored, and goose populations should be tem
porally and spatially directed to reduce the potential for conversion
of marsh to permanent mudflats.