During organogenesis the ampullar epithelium of the renal collecting d
uct acts as an inducer which generates all of the nephron anlagen. As
development proceeds, one part of the collecting duct cells in the amp
ullar tip retain their inducer capability, while others develop into t
he functional epithelium consisting of principal and intercalated (IC)
cells. The events leading from the embryonic inducer to the mature ti
ssue are unknown. We investigated the maturation of embryonic collecti
ng duct epithelium derived from neonatal rabbit kidney under in vitro
conditions. To prevent dedifferentiation the epithelia were cultured o
n kidney-specific support material within a tissue carrier. Apical and
basal compartments of the epithelia were simulated in a gradient cult
ure container. The two sides of the epithelium were each constantly pe
rfused with a different medium. During the 14-day incubation the tissu
e was not subcultured. The development of collecting duct cell feature
s was investigated with morphological and immunohistochemical methods.
Both light and electron microscopy revealed morphologically intact ep
ithelia following gradient culture. The polarized cells rested on a un
iformly developed basement membrane. The continuous application of ald
osterone during the culture modulated the development of collecting du
ct cell characteristics. Both basal and luminal administration of aldo
sterone initiated differentiation in the embryonic epithelia. Using th
e sodium (Na) channel blocker amiloride, it was demonstrated that Na c
hannels are involved in the differentiation of the IC cell phenotype.