The assessment and grading practices in 19 mathematics classes in 5 hi
gh schools in 3 states were studied. In each class the most frequently
used assessment tools were tests and quizzes, with these determining
about 77% of students' grades. In 12 classes other forms of assessment
, such as written projects or interviews with students, were also used
, with performance on such instruments counting for about 7% of studen
ts' grades averaged across all 19 classes. Test items generally were l
ow level, were stated without reference to a realistic context, involv
ed very little reasoning, and were almost never open-ended. Most test
items were either neutral or inactive with respect to technology. Writ
ten projects usually involved more complex analyses or applications th
an tests did. The teachers' knowledge and beliefs, as well as the cont
ent and textbook of the course, influenced the characteristics of test
items and other assessment instruments. Only in geometry classes did
standardized tests appear to influence assessment.