Sh. Heywangkobrunner et al., CONTRAST-ENHANCED MRI OF THE BREAST - ACCURACY, VALUE, CONTROVERSIES,SOLUTIONS, European journal of radiology, 24(2), 1997, pp. 94-108
Objective: Contrast-enhanced MRI of the breast has been one of the mos
t controversial areas of MRI. Even though most investigators have, in
selected indications, been able to improve accuracy by the additional
use of contrast-enhanced MRI; its abuse has been feared not only becau
se of increased costs for imaging, but also because of increased biops
y rates caused by false positive calls and because of errors caused by
insufficient standardisation. In this article an overview is given of
the present knowledge about contrast-enhanced MRI of the breast. Fact
ors that influence the accuracy and reproducibility of contrast-enhanc
ed MRI are analysed. Method: Factors that influence accuracy include:
(1) technical factors that influence accuracy, e.g. slice thickness (p
artial volume effect), motion reduction, reduction of (cardiac) artifa
cts, dosage of contrast agent, choice of pulse sequence and echotime,
and choice of the method for elimination of fat signal. (2) Hormonal f
actors (timing of the examination with reference to the menstrual cycl
e, hormonal replacement therapy). They influence accuracy and must be
taken into account. (3) Interpretation guidelines-their choice influen
ces sensitivity and specificity mostly inversely and the use of inform
ation from conventional imaging appears necessary. (4) Patient selecti
on influences accuracy for statistical and for biological reasons. Res
ults: Based on the present literature and on the experiences gathered
in six German universities (> 12 000 examinations) an excellent sensit
ivity (> 98%) can be achieved for the combination of mammography and M
RI. However, specificity strongly varies with the indications. Recomme
nded indications include examination of breasts with impaired evaluati
on due to severe scarring, after silicon implants and in the dense bre
ast. exclusion of multicentricity and search for primary tumor. Indica
tions under investigation include high risk patients and strictly sele
cted problem cases. Conclusion: If appropriately applied and used for
selected indications, contrast-enhanced MRI may allow a significant di
agnostic gain. In order to take advantage of the full potentials of co
ntrast-enhanced MRI the development of commercially available biopsy c
oils is essential. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd.