In a colony of New World monkeys five tamarins (Saguinus oedipus, Sagu
inus labiatus and Leontopithecus rosal. rosal.), three marmosets (Call
ithrix jacchus and Callithrix pygmaea) and one saki (Pithecia pithecia
) died suddenly. The colony comprised 16 marmosets, 10 tamarins and th
ree sakis. The main pathological findings were necrotic lesions in the
lung, the intestine, and the liver. Histopathologically T. gondii par
asites were observed in organs from the tamarins and the marmosets but
not in the saki. Some considerations on epidemiology are presented. P
reventive measures were directed against the bottom layer of the cages
, on cockroach extermination, and on freezing of raw meat.