A geostatistical approach to contaminant source estimation is presente
d. The problem is to estimate the release history of a conservative so
lute given point concentration measurements at some time after the rel
ease. A Bayesian framework is followed to derive the best estimate and
to quantify the estimation error. The relation between this approach
and common regularization and interpolation schemes is discussed. The
performance of the method is demonstrated for transport in a simple on
e-dimensional homogeneous medium, although the approach is directly ap
plicable to transport in two- or three-dimensional domains. The method
ology produces a best estimate of the release history and a confidence
interval. Conditional realizations of the release history are generat
ed that are useful in visualization and risk assessment. The performan
ce of the method with sparse data and large measurement error is exami
ned. Emphasis is placed on formulating the estimation method in a comp
utationally efficient manner. The method does not require the inversio
n of matrices whose size depends on the grid size used to resolve the
solute release history. The issue of model validation is addressed.