Multireservoir operating policies are usually defined by rules that sp
ecify either individual reservoir desired (target) storage volumes or
desired (target) releases based on the time of year and the existing t
otal storage volume in all reservoirs. This paper focuses on the use o
f genetic search algorithms to derive these multireservoir operating p
olicies. The genetic algorithms use real-valued vectors containing inf
ormation needed to define both system release and individual reservoir
storage volume targets as functions of total storage in each of multi
ple within-year periods. Elitism, arithmetic crossover, mutation, and
''en bloc'' replacement are used in the algorithms to generate success
ive sets of possible operating policies. Each policy is then evaluated
using simulation to compute a performance index for a given flow seri
es. The better performing policies are then used as a basis for genera
ting new sets of possible policies. The process of improved policy gen
eration and evaluation is repeated until no further improvement in per
formance is obtained. The proposed algorithm is applied to example res
ervoir systems used for water supply and hydropower.