The telomere repeat amplification protocol (TRAP) was recently develop
ed to detect telomerase activity in cellular protein extracts. Teleome
rase synthesizes a specific repeating nucleotide sequence onto the end
s of telomeres, which stabilize eukaryotic chromosomes. Telomeric repe
ats are identified in the TRAP method by polymerase chain reaction amp
lification and incorporation of radionucleotides detected by autoradio
graphy. Several drawbacks to this method have been recognized, includi
ng the time required to complete the assay, the resolution of the resu
lts, and the hazards of radioactive material. We have developed a new
fluorescent method of detecting telomerase to alleviate these problems
. Telomeric repeats are identified in the fluorescent TRAP (F-TRAP) as
say by incorporation of fluorescein-labeled primers during amplificati
on and subsequent detection with an automated DNA sequencer. This new
method appears to be as sensitive as the standard TRAP assay and offer
s advantages in speed, resolution, cost, and safety.