Background Major depression is a common disorder but. the pathophysiol
ogy is poorly understood. Current hypotheses implicate deficient funct
ion of brain serotonin pathways because drugs that selectively increas
e brain serotonin activity are effective antidepressants. However, the
re is no direct evidence that lowered serotonin function causes major
depression. We aimed to assess whether lowering of brain serotonin act
ivity by depletion of its aminoacid precursor, tryptophan, could provo
ke a short-term relapse of clinically significant symptoms in women vu
lnerable to major depressive disorder. Methods We studied 15 women who
had suffered recurrent episodes of major depression but had recovered
and were no longer on drug treatment. Patients received two aminoacid
mixtures in a double-blind crossover design. One of the mixtures was
nutritionally balanced and contained tryptophan and the other was iden
tical except it contained no tryptophan. Participants were scored on t
he Hamilton rating scale for depression (HAM-D) before and 7 h after d
rinking each mixture. They also completed hourly self-rated measures o
f mood during this period. Blood samples were also taken at baseline a
nd 7 h for measurement of plasma tryptophan. Findings The tryptophan-f
ree mixture produced a 75% reduction in plasma tryptophan concentratio
n. After drinking the tryptophan-free mixture, ten of the 15 women exp
erienced temporary but clinically significant depressive symptoms. The
mean difference in total HAM-D scores (7 h minus baseline) were signi
ficantly higher after the tryptophan-free mixture than after the nutri
tionally balanced mixture (7.3 vs 0.15 [95% CI 4.5-9.9]; p<0.001). No
changes in mood were seen after taking the nutritionally balanced mixt
ure. Interpretation We conclude that rapid lowering of brain serotonin
function can precipitate clinical depressive symptoms in well, untrea
ted individuals who are Vulnerable to major depressive disorder. The f
indings support a hey role for deficient serotonin function in the aet
iology of depression.