A mechanical face seal is a triboelement intended to minimize leakage
between a rotating shaft and a housing, while allowing the shaft to ro
tate as freely as possible. All dynamic analysis to date have concentr
ated on the seal itself. In reality, however, especially in high speed
turbomachinery, shafts are made flexible and the dynamics of seals mu
st be coupled with the dynamics of shafts. (Perhaps the dynamics of ot
her triboelements, such as gears, bearings, etc., have to be included
as well.) In this work the complex extended transfer matrix method is
established to solve for the steady state response of a noncontacting
flexibly mounted rotor mechanical face seal that rides on a flexible s
haft. This method offers a complete dynamic analysis of a seal tribosy
stem, including effects of shaft inertia and slenderness, fluid film,
secondary seal, flexibly mounted rotating element, and axial offset of
the rotor center of mass. The results are then compared to those obta
ined from an analysis that implicitly assumed the shaft rigid. The com
parison shows that shaft dynamics can greatly affect the seal performa
nce even at relatively low speeds.