The hippocampal cholinergic neurostimulating peptide (HCNP), isolated
from hippocampal tissue of 10- to 12-day-old rats, enhances the in vit
ro synthesis of acetylcholine in medial septal tissue exp]ants. The HC
NP precursor is a 21 kDa protein that binds hydrophobic ligands and Mg
-ATP, and is associated with the opioid-binding protein. We employed a
n HCNP-precursor cDNA as probe to clone the genomic DNA, used for mapp
ing of the exon-intron structure of the gene. We also determined the n
ucleotide structure of the promoter region of the rat HCNP precursor p
rotein gene. By using S1 mapping and CAT as a reporter, we found multi
ple promoters that were aligned in the 5' untranslated region. In addi
tion, the presence of several putative enhancer binding sequences were
tested by electrophoresis mobility shift assays. Northern blot analys
is revealed that the gene is expressed in a variety of rat tissues and
various subregions of the brain. These results suggest that HCNP-prec
ursor gene expression is regulated by a general transactivation factor
such as SP1, and that the specific presence of the bioactive HCNP in
certain tissues results from post-translational events such as proteol
ytic processing of the precursor protein, which takes place predominan
tly in the hippocampus of young rats.