Compared with peripheral blood sampling, capillary blood collecting by
finger stick is less traumatic and more convenient, To assess the sen
sitivity and reliability of capillary blood for the lymphocyte micronu
cleus (MN) assay, this study was performed in three sample groups, i,e
. healthy donors (n = 3), cancer patients before treatment (n = 7), an
d cancer patients who were undergoing fractionated partial-body radiot
herapy (n = 9), For each group, we measured three intra-individual var
iables, i,e, micronucleus (MN) frequency, binucleate (BN) index, and m
icronucleated BN index of lymphocytes obtained from capillary blood an
d the corresponding peripheral blood, Our results indicated that in al
l three sample groups, the differences in these variables between capi
llary blood and peripheral blood either before or after ex vivo Cs-137
irradiation (2 Gy) were insignificant, Since capillary blood is more
accessible than peripheral blood, we believe that it is a reliable sou
rce for the lymphocyte MN assay especially when venipuncture is not co