Nowadays, bacterial etiology is probably the least considered and most
controversial in the etiopathogenesis of bronchial asthma. It was in
the first decades of this century when several authors insisted on the
close relation between infection and asthmatic response. This is why,
since antibiotics have appeared, many renowned authors insist on the
basic treatment of the infection with antibiotics. Also, the need of i
mmunotherapy with bacterial antigens is being emphasized, considering
the importance of this factor in bronchial asthma. Nevertheless, there
are some detractors who, in our opinion, do not base their criteria o
n experience or precise data which support the rejection of the bacter
ial infectious factor as a causal triggering factor. It has been in th
e last decade when several authors, Norn among them, confirm the impor
tance of the bacterial antigen, and especially its potentiating role o
n the inhalant allergens. On the other hand, in the last decade the sy
mptomatic treatment of asthma by means of bronchodilators and corticos
teroids is being fomented. That is, the maintenance of the asthmatic p
atient is being fomented instead of his consequent treatment, fighting
the infection. According to our long experience and the positive numb
er of cases obtained, again we insist on the need to treat bronchial a
sthma with bacterial immunotherapy. Therefore, it is necessary to stud
y this aspect more in depth in order to reach a real knowledge of all
of the above.