Current methods for evaluating hazards to seed-eating birds are based
on estimated exposure per unit area and assume that birds ingest all o
f the chemical on a treated seed. In an earlier study, however, it was
determined that red-winged blackbirds removed only about 15% of an in
secticidal treatment applied to individual rice seeds. Here, we extend
those findings by examining the seed-handling behavior of four graniv
orous bird species exposed to millet, rice, sunflower and sorghum trea
ted with imidacloprid. Mourning doves (Zenaida macroura L,) swallowed
the seed whole. House finches (Carpodacus mexicanus Muller), red-winge
d blackbirds (Agelaius phaeniceus L.) and boat-tailed grackles (Quisca
lus major Vieillot) discarded the seed hulls, however, and removed onl
y 15-40% of the initial chemical treatment. Residues on seed hulls dec
reased as handling time increased, Sunflowers had the lowest residues
because birds repeatedly handled the hull to remove bits of the oily K
ernel. These results suggest that avian hazard assessment methods shou
ld incorporate species-typical seed-handling behavior to assess more a
ccurately birds' exposure to chemicals on different types of seed.