The fate of photosynthetic carbon in marine ecosystems dominated by di
fferent types of primary producers was examined by compiling published
reports on herbivory, autotrophic respiration, decomposition, carbon
storage, and export rates as fractions of net primary production (NPP)
in ecosystems dominated by different types of autotrophs (i.e. oceani
c and coastal phytoplankton, microphytobenthos, coral reef algae, macr
oalgae, seagrasses, marsh plants, and mangroves). A large fraction (>4
0%) of the NPP of marine ecosystems is decomposed within the system, e
xcept for microphytobenthos (decomposition, similar to 25% of NPP). He
rbivory tends to be highest for microalgae (planktonic and benthic, >4
0% of NPP) and macroalgae (33.6+/-4.9% of NPP) and is somewhat less fo
r higher plants. Microphytobenthos export on average a much higher pro
portion of their NPP than do other microalgal communities, whereas mar
ine macrophytes, except marsh plants, export a substantial proportion
(24.3-43.5% on average) of their NPP. The fraction of NPP stored in se
diments is 4-fold greater for higher plants (similar to 10-17% of NPP)
than for algae (0.4-6% of NPP). On average, similar to 90% of the phy
toplankton NPP is used to support local heterotrophic metabolism (i.e.
grazed or decomposed). This fraction is even higher in oceanic commun
ities. Mangrove forests, and to a lesser extent seagrass meadows and m
acroalgal beds, produce organic carbon well in excess of the ecosystem
requirements, with excess photosynthetic carbon (i.e. export rate plu
s storage) in these ecosystems representing similar to 40% of NPP. Ext
rapolation of these results to the global ocean identifies marine angi
osperms, which only contribute 4% of total ocean NPP, as major contrib
utors of the NPP stored (30% of total ocean carbon storage) and subseq
uently buried in marine sediments. Consideration of burial of NPP from
marine angiosperms should lead to estimates of total burial of marine
NPP that exceed current estimates by 15-50%.