Objective. To examine the prevalence of overweight among US preschool
children 2 months through 5 years of age between the years 1971 throug
h 1974 and 1988 through 1994. Design. Nationally representative cross-
sectional surveys with a physical examination, including measurement o
f stature, length, and weight. Between 1200 and 7500 children younger
than 6 years were examined in each of four different surveys during 19
71 through 1974 (first National Health and Nutrition Examination Surve
y [NHANES I]), 1976 through 1980 (NHANES II), 1982 through 1984 (Hispa
nic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey), and 1988 through 1994 (N
HANES III). Results. The prevalence of overweight increased among some
sex and age groups of preschool children between 1971 through 1974 an
d 1988 through 1994. More than 10% of 4- and 5-year-old girls were ove
rweight in 1988 through 1994 compared with 5.8% in 1971 through 1974.
However, there was no change during this period in the prevalence of o
verweight among 1- and 2- to 3-year-old children. During 1988 through
1994, the prevalence of overweight among children 2 months through 5 y
ears of age was consistently higher in girls than boys. Mexican-Americ
an children had a higher prevalence of overweight than non-Hispanic bl
ack and non-Hispanic white children. These results parallel what has b
een reported for older children and adults in the United States. Concl
usion. These results show that in the last 20 years the prevalence of
overweight has increased among 4- and 5-year-old children but not amon
g younger children. These findings suggest that efforts to prevent ove
rweight, including encouragement of physical activity and improved die
ts, should begin in early childhood.