We report on the prevalence of osteomyelitis, the prevalence of soft t
issue infections, and the type and number of pathogens encountered in
bone and sogt tissue infections caused by puncture wounds in children.
In addition, we seek to establish whether shoe gear plays a role in t
he flora in infected puncture wounds and if laboratory indices are ind
icative of the presence of infection. The group consisted of 44 nondia
betic children admitted to hospital for puncture wounds of the foot. C
ultures were positive for osteomyelitis in 7 patients (16%), all invol
ving the forefoot (P<.04). The most common pathogen in soft tissue inf
ections was Staphylococcus aureus. The most common pathogen in osteomy
elitis was Pseudomonos aeruginosa. There was no significant difference
in the prevalence of osteomyelitis and soft tissue infection based on
footwear. There were no cases of osteomyelitis encountered among bare
foot children (P<.04). In 10 cases (83%), P aeruginosa infection (both
soft tissue and bone) occurred while the patients were wearing tennis
shoes (P<.04). In this study, the leukocyte count (normal in 29 patie
nts [66%]), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (normal in 28 patients [64%
]), and temperature (normal in 44 patients [95%]) did not have any pre
dictive value in differentiating soft tissue infection from osteomyeli
tis in children.