Current soil-erosion prediction technology addresses processes of rain
splash, overland-flow sediment transport, and rill erosion in small wa
tersheds. The effects of factors determining sediment yield from large
r-scale drainage basins, in which sediment movement is controlled by t
he combined small-scale processes and a complex set of channel and oth
er basin-scale sediment-delivery processes, such as soil creep, biotur
bation, and accelerated erosion due to denudation of vegetation, have
been poorly evaluated. General suggestions are provided for the develo
pment of erosion-prediction technology at the geomorphic or drainage-b
asin scale based on the separation of sediment-yield data for channel
and geomorphic processes from those of field-scale soil loss. An emerg
ing technology must consider: (1) the effects on sediment yield of cli
mate, geology and soils, topography, biotic interactions with other so
il processes, and land-use practices; (2) all processes of sediment de
livery to a channel system; and (3) the general tendency in most drain
age basins for progressively greater sediment storage in the downstrea
m direction.