We review recent experiments on the behavior of helium films adsorbed
on alkali metal substrates, which bind He-4 more than an order of magn
itude more weakly than conventional substrates such as graphite or gol
d. The phase diagram of He-4 on cesium has several unique features whi
ch have not been previously observed in any other system. At low tempe
rature, He-4 does not wet cesium. At the wetting temperature T(w) cong
ruent-to 2 K, a first order phase transition occurs, and it becomes po
ssible to form thick films; there are large hysteresis effects near T(
w) associated with the nucleation of the thin phase. For T < T(w), fil
ms grow in a discontinuous way, with a first order thin-thick transiti
on, which is known as prewetting. Prewetting can interfere with the us
ual Kosterlitz-Thouless superfluid transition. The position of the pre
wetting line can be tuned by varying the thickness of the cesium subst
rate, or by doping the film with He-3.