The role of adult men in adolescent childbearing has received heighten
ed attention in recent years, and new policy efforts have focused on s
tatutory rape laws as a way to reduce adolescent childbearing. Analyse
s of the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey indicate, how
ever, that these policies would not apply to most teenage births. Amon
g mothers aged 15-17 who had a child in 1988, 27% had a partner at lea
st five years older than themselves. In addition, since 23% of miners
with older partners were married at the time of the infant's birth, 21
% of babies born to unmarried miners were fathered by substantially ol
der men. While births to young mothers and older men raise social conc
erns, these births make up a small share of all teenage childbearing:
Only 8% of all births to 15-19-year-olds are to unmarried miners with
a partner five or more years older.