We report a series of eight cases of ovarian pregnancy treated by oper
ative laparoscopy during the last 12 years, This rare ectopic pregnanc
y (2.6% of all extra-uterine pregnancies in our experience) is difficu
lt to diagnose prior to surgery. Earlier diagnosis is now possible, ow
ing to the availability of highly specific radioimmunoassay for human
chorionic gonadotrophin and the development of transvaginal ultrasonog
raphy. Primary ovarian pregnancy is distinguished by some authors from
distal tubal pregnancy, in which a secondary ovarian implantation is
possible, The therapy is surgical and currently more conservative than
in the past, because of improvement in operative laparoscopy. Laparos
copy alloys a short hospital stay, less physical stress and a favourab
le cost-benefit ratio, Moreover, its low risk of adhesion formation is
important with regard to reproductive prognosis: in the light of this
, since the patients are generally young and desire future childbearin
g, laparoscopy may be the treatment of choice.