Background - In December 1991 London experienced a unique air pollutio
n episode during which concentrations of nitrogen dioxide rose to reco
rd levels, associated with moderate increases in black smoke. The aim
of this study was to investigate whether this episode was associated w
ith adverse health effects and whether any such effects could be attri
buted to air pollution. Methods - The numbers of deaths and hospital a
dmissions occurring in Greater London during the week of the episode w
ere compared with those predicted using data from the week before the
episode and from equivalent periods from the previous four years. Rela
tive risks (RR) (episode week versus predicted) for adverse health eve
nts were estimated using log linear modelling and these were compared
with estimates from control areas which had similar cold weather but w
ithout increased air pollution. Results - In all age groups mortality
was increased for all causes (excluding accidents) (relative risk = 1.
10) and cardiovascular diseases (1.14); non-significant increases were
observed for all respiratory diseases (1.22), obstructive lung diseas
es (1.23), and respiratory infections (1.23). In the elderly (65 + yea
rs) the relative risk of hospital admission was increased for all resp
iratory diseases (1.19) and for obstructive lung diseases (1.43), and
a nonsignificant increase was observed for ischaemic heart disease (1.
04). In children (0-14 years) there was no increase in admissions for
all respiratory diseases and only a small non-significant increase for
asthma. When compared with control areas the relative risks became no
n-significant but remained increased. Conclusions - The air pollution
episode was associated with an increase in mortality and morbidity whi
ch was unlikely to be explained by the prevailing weather, a coinciden
tal respiratory epidemic, or psychological factors due to publicity. A
ir pollution is a plausible explanation but the relative roles of nitr
ogen dioxide and particulates cannot be distinguished.