The prognosis of patients with metastatic breast cancer in particular
with an involvement of the liver has to be regarded as rather unfavour
able. Up today no convincing therapy for patients with breast cancer a
nd liver metastases could be found. From 1982 to 199142 patients with
suspicion on liver metastases of a primary breast cancer were laparoto
mized. At that time 20 patients already had an extrahepatic formation
of metastases. In contrast to the preexaminations an histologically be
nign liver tumor was intraoperatively verified in 6 patients. In the o
ther 36 patients the operation was finished in 9 cases as explorative
laparotomy (group A) because of extensive intra- and extrahepatic mani
festation and/or vessel abnormalities. In 19 cases an arterial cathete
r system with subcutaneous port was implanted (group B). Partial liver
resection combined with intraarterial catheter implantation was perfo
rmed in 8 patients (group C). Postoperatively 27 patients monthly rece
ived a regional combined chemotherapy (groups B+C); a modified FAM sch
eme (5-Fluorouracil: 1000 mg/12 h/d/2 d, Adriamycin: 20 mg/12 h/d/3 d,
Mitomycin C: 10 mg/2 h/d/1 d) was used. Response could be documented
in 12 out of 17 evaluable patients (70,6 %. A median overall postopera
tive survival time of 14.5 months for all patients in case of a proved
liver metastases was calculated. A prolongation could not be realized
, neither in patients with partial liver resection with regional thera
py (group 6) nor in patients with an intraarterial chemotherapy (group
B). Only in exceptional cases a successful regional chemotherapy coul
d influence the course favourable. As patients with liver metastases b
esides the psychological stress often complain about the compression o
f the stomach and abdominal pain, a partial liver resection or a regio
nal chemotherapy might be reasonable due to low morbidity after failur
e of the conventional therapies. Regional chemotherapy or partial live
r resection in case of a breast carcinoma, however, should be reserved
only for patients enrolled in randomized or at least prospective stud