This paper outlines the implementation of the Mechanic's Stethoscope f
rom the earliest stages of development to the implementation at Brunsw
ick Mining and Smelting. It details the cooperative efforts of personn
el at Noranda Technology Centre (NTC) and Brunswick Mining & Smelting
(BMS) during the technology transfer of the Mechanic's Stethoscope. It
demonstrates how everyone worked toward a goal of developing a produc
t that is accepted as a useful addition to the work environment. The M
echanic's Stethoscope is an underground vehicle diagnostic system cons
isting of computer hardware and software intended to assist mechanics
in daily tasks. Its tools facilitate quick and easy access to any info
rmation required during the maintenance of an underground vehicle. Eac
h tool presents vehicle condition data in a simplified manner. The add
itional information improves the mechanics understanding of the vehicl
e condition. The result is a healthier fleet of vehicles and faster di
agnosis times. When introducing a computer based system into a traditi
onally non-computer oriented environment a concern is the acceptance o
f die system. This concern exists on many levels.