1. We studied temporal and spatial synchrony of population fluctuation
s in the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), the black grouse (Tetrao tet
rix) and the hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia) in Finland. 2. The data con
sist of route censuses (20 000-30 000 km annually) performed in 11 pro
vinces during 1964-83, The population data for the three species in ea
ch province were standardized to zero mean and unit variance. 3. Cross
-correlation analysis indicates that population dynamics of the three
species in every area are in rather good temporal synchrony. Moreover,
with the aid of k-means clustering, the 11 provinces could be merged
into four regions, indicating large-scale synchrony in dynamics of the
three tetraonid species. 4. Because it is obvious that this synchrony
cannot be due only to the similar life histories of these species, we
explored whether it could be influenced by a common synchronizing fac
tor affecting all the species simultaneously. In order to do this we u
sed a Leslie matrix-based simulation approach. In this model there is
a stochastic hit of breeding failure at a given average interval. This
failure was shown to synchronize the population dynamics of the speci
es with primarily different life tables.