Primary tuberculosis of the chest wall is rare and its clinical presen
tation may resemble pyogenic abscess or tumour. The diagnosis is diffi
cult, since smears or cultures of aspirate frequently fail to show tub
ercle bacilli. Seven cases of primary chestwall tuberculosis treated b
etween 1973 and 1992 are described. All presented with a progressively
enlarging mass. The diagnosis was based on bacteriologic and histolog
ic findings, but definitive diagnosis was obtained before treatment in
only two cases. Satisfactory results were obtained with surgical debr
idement and specific chemotherapy in six cases and with chemotherapy a
lone in one case. From this limited experience, we suggest that primar
y chestwall tuberculosis should initially be treated with a combinatio
n regimen of antituberculous chemotherapy, which should take more than
9 months. If the lesion progressively enlarges or secondary infection
occurs, however, adequate surgical debridement is also required.