Virtually all organisms have means of monitoring their environment and
making use of information gained to aid their survival. Many organism
s, from bacteria to animals, move from place to place and can alter th
eir movements. Chemotaxis is a signal transduction system found in mot
ile bacteria that allows them to sense changes in the concentrations o
f various extracellular compounds and change their swimming behavior i
n a way that moves them toward more favorable environments. Chemotaxis
is the most ancient sensory-motor process in nature. For years, studi
es of enteric bacteria, such as Escherichia coil and Salmonella typhim
urium, have served as the paradigm for understanding this process on a
molecular level. Recent studies on the gram-positive bacterium, Bacil
lus subtilis, and other bacteria, suggest that a slightly more complex
system may be ancestral to that of the more extensively studied enter
ics. Aspects of chemotaxis that are unique to B. subtilis include a mo
re complex adaptation system, with protein-protein methyl group transf
er, chemotaxis proteins having no counterparts in E. coil, and a very
extensive repertoire of repellents that are sensed at very low concent
rations by receptors.