Three-dimensional, unsteady behaviour of high-pressure electric arcs i
n argon is studied by means of numerical simulations. Attention is pai
d to argon arcs whose steady structure is fairly well understood. Resu
lts are reported for the case of a one centimetre long are, burning in
argon and driven by a total current of 200 A and 300 A. The influence
of the boundary conditions for the electrical potential on the macros
copic structure of the are is studied and it is found that the distrib
ution of the current density near the cathode is one of the critical p
arameters which can significantly modify both the distribution of mean
quantities and the stability of the are. All mean quantities found fr
om three-dimensional calculations are compared with two-dimensional ax
i-symmetric fields obtained by a previously used code for are simulati
ons. The results indicate good agreement between the results from thre
e-dimensional calculations, hive-dimensional axi-symmetric simulations
and results from physical experiments documented in literature.