Infertility is a worldwide issue in reproductive health, In view of th
e World Health Organization's definition of health, the psychological
and social consequences of infertility simply cannot be ignored, Preve
ntion of infertility is difficult and does not help the couple seeking
medical advice for infertility, whereas efficient treatment for infer
tility is time consuming, expensive and often unsuccessful, This artic
le reflects on a shortened, yet full investigation of both partners' f
ertility before any treatment whatsoever, which is indispensable once
the decision to help the couple medically has been made, By optimizing
the use of modern gynaecological endoscopy within the woman's cycle,
an exhaustive infertility investigation can be conducted within the sp
an of two couple-physician contacts, thereby responding to the couple'
s concern, avoiding loss of time and energy due to inappropriate thera
pies, and directing the subfertility treatment correctly from the star
t. Trained gynaecologists can easily conduct this investigation in fer
tility centres in developed countries, as well as in centres for famil
y planning in developing countries, The investigation can be employed
either with an emphasis on diagnosis alone (and then even under local
anaesthesia) or, if the necessary infrastructure is available, in comb
ination with operative endoscopy under general anaesthesia where indic